The iBlow10 is a high speed breathalyzer screener for testing drivers at road blocks & workers entering industrial sites. It provides 12 tests p/minute without the use of mouth pieces. Gives you two indicative results, a coloured light and a numeric reading ( actual blood alcohol content )It’s a fast tester that can handle or do numbers (12 tests in a minute)
How you keep it simple: you do the first test and look for alcohol, once the subject fails, you will give them the benefit of the doubt and do a second test with the same machine. The second test is usually done after 20 min in a presence of a witness. If the subject fails again the you will deny entry. hence, no work no pay… “Keeping It Simple “.
This unit also memorizes tests, so you can do an audit on the breathalyser or visit previous completed tests. You can also check if there are any discrepancies or compare the log book with the tests memorized on the breathalyser. You can also connect this breathalyser to a printer and export results to your PC.